Wednesday, 9 April 2014


I'm going to travel to Madrid in the Easter holidays. I'm going to visit Palacio Real, El Retiro, Museo del Prado... I'm going to walk in Gran Via and Puerta del Sol and I'm going to have a relaxing "cup of coffee" in Plaza Mayor.

What are you going to do?


  1. I'm going to travel to Lleida in the Easter holidays. I'm going to visit my grandpatrents. In the next week we bouquets cake and eat Pasqua.

  2. Ángel prieto 😁12 April 2014 at 08:34

    I m going to do my homework , play tablet games, watch football matches and go to Tarragona.

  3. I'm going to go in swimming pool and I going to play tennis

  4. I m going to travell to Valladolid with my parents on saturday and sunday. Happy easters holidays Elena :-)

  5. I'm going to travell to Ports of Tortosa i Beceit. I'm going to do a circuit and my homework. In Monday I'm going to eat my Easter cake.

  6. Jairo Mongil 6 è B22 April 2014 at 15:32

    In easter I went to Tarragona because I eat on a restaurant and I bought
    shoes.I participed in a easter theather and Monday I ate mona.

  7. Joana Pàmies 6è B24 April 2014 at 18:58

    I'm going to travel to Barcelona and visit to Zoo de Barcelona. I went to the Tarragona to see the sain week.

  8. Carla Salamanca 6è A4 May 2014 at 13:45

    I'm going to Barcelona to see my friends and see my famili and I'm going to haouse of my friend to eat Pascua
